What is PTE?

The Pearson Test of English Academic or PTE is a test for non-native English speakers wanting to move and settle in a country where English is the primary language. This test assesses a person’s reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills. PTE test scores allow test-takers to earn extra points for securing the Permanent Residency in the country.

Quality training for PTE in Canberra

If you are worried and unable to assess yourself in terms of your PTE performance, why not choose Wings Education PTE centre Canberra for our online PTE classes. We understand the challenges that you may face during your journey during PTE preparation. So, our well-equipped faculty will ensure that you achieve your desired score.

We make you sit in our level tester mock exam to understand your areas of opportunity where we can make improvements. In addition, we will design and provide you with a personal plan of PTE practice for your betterment. We have helped many students in the past and we are devoted to all the people who join us for PTE coaching at Canberra.

The facilities you get at online PTE coaching Canberra

Our commitment to your preparation is evident in the way we have prepared resources for you. We have a  well organised structure of various preparatory booklets and other materials which we provide as handouts when you study with us.

We provide you with tried and tested templates to make your exam journey convenient, and will help you in your time management in all the modules

We allow you to take an unlimited number of free mock tests, provide analysis for each attempt, and then help you set a Plan of Practice in the areas you need improvement. We have a high-quality CISCO platform to connect online, allowing you to attend sessions and One-on-one with the trainer.

We are very active on social media platforms , spreading a motivational positive online ambience, as our previous students share inspirational stories. Additionally, we keep updating our social media with the latest materials.

We always keep a track of recent prediction files and practice questions, which leads to a high probability of passing the test.

Why choose Wings Education PTE Canberra?

At Wings Education PTE Centre Canberra, we provide systematic and organised coaching by considering all the variants of your background. This aids you in choosing the course that suits your requirements.

We are a renowned name in the PTE training industry, and we present exclusive and superior techniques that help in scoring higher in exams.

 Personalised One-O-One session attention at Wings Education PTE Centre Canberra

We try to provide a tailored plan for each individual to cater to their needs. We comprehend that each student has a different learning style. Some students are visual learners, some prefer audio, some are kinaesthetic, some could be tactile and others holistic. At Wings Education PTE Centre Canberra, we help all kinds of learners.

Extra doubt clearing sessions:

We help you with Pronunciation, spelling and grammar in small groups or individually. 

Expert Staff

We have very friendly staff and you get the constant support of our admin for your day to-day needs regarding the PTE coaching Canberra. 

Our faculty is well-equipped and have been working in the industry for around 10+ years; we train and equip our staff members to deliver the best standard of teaching in the classroom. We have trainers who have scored excellent results in the PTE exam and have also passed TESOL and other English exams, making them the best in the industry.

Glorious results: 

We have helped more than 4000 students who have passed their tests at Wings Education. Out of which, more than 300 are from Wings Education PTE Centre Canberra, achieving their desired scores. 

Book a Free Demo

We have multiple PTE practice software, which helps us filter data to create the monthly PTE prediction file and help the test takers undertake PTE mock tests. It enriches you with sufficient practice material for the PTE test in Australia and around the world.


Contact Us To Know More

Call us on 0492 947 890 to book our free demo classes. You can also fill out the contact form to connect with our consultant.